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The Basics of Life Insurance

10/26/2011 22:37

For first-time life insurance purchasers, it may seem a little confusing. There are terms life insurance companies use that may not be familiar with some people, and there are concepts that seem far-flung for people who know nothing about financial planning and investment. Te truth is: the value of your life insurance does not matter when trying to understand the concept of life insurance. Whether you purchase cheap life insurance or one that involves millions of dollars of investment, the concept remains the same.
Life insurance policies provide monetary aid for your beneficiaries when you pass away. Your beneficiaries are chosen by you. And may receive the monetary aid in lump sum (that is, at one time) or monthly, whichever they choose.
You will also be required to pay a premium. This is the amount hat you pay the life insurance company. You can either choose to pay for it monthly, quarterly, or annually. If you get cheap life insurance, then you will be required to pay a smaller premium. In contrast, a more expensive life insurance policy will require you to pay more. But what dictates the value of your life insurance? It is your coverage.
Your coverage is the amount that the life insurance company will grant you based on the premium that you have decided to pay. It dictates whether you have cheap life insurance or an expensive one. It is also the amount claimable by your beneficiaries once you pass away.
There are many factors that affect the coverage that may be grated to you. Your age for example, is one of the major factors. Younger people tend to be granted a larger coverage even if they pay the same premium price that is paid by somebody older. This is because a young person is expected to die later. Health is also one factor that affects the coverage that may be granted to you. The healthier you are, the larger coverage will be granted to you as compared to a person who is considerably less healthy than you. Again, this is for the reason that you are expected to live longer. There are other things that affect the coverage you are granted like your lifestyle, hobbies, habits, and occupation.

Lower Risk Factor, Higher Value

10/26/2011 22:21

Your risk factor dictates how much value you can get from an insurance policy. Your risk factor tells the insurance company how likely you are to pass away through an accident or because of health reasons. This rate will affect how much or how little coverage you can avail of, and how much or how little your premium payable is. You may check these rates and how they differ when your risk factor changes through websites that offer life insurance quotes online.
One way to reduce your risk factor is by being younger. Of course you cannot do anything about your current age, but you can purchase a life insurance policy sooner rather than later. The truth is, the closer you get to the average age of casualty, or the average age that people die, the less value you can get from your insurance plan. You will either receive a smaller coverage or a higher premium rate. If you want to understand this concept more, look for a website that offers life insurance quotes online, choose a coverage rate, and put in your information with your current age. Then, repeat the same process with the same coverage rate and then put your age ten years ago. You will discover that the price of the premium rates you are required to pay will be considerably lower than the first result. That is how much you could have saved if only you purchased life insurance ten years earlier.
Another thing that can help reduce your risk factor is being healthy. Get yourself checked and find out what your illnesses are, and ask your doctor for medications that could help stabilize your sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, if these are problematic. You may also stop bad habits that lead to a deteriorating health like smoking, excessive drinking, and not getting enough sleep.
Your lifestyle and occupation also affect your risk factor. For example, if you indulge in extreme sports that always put you in danger like Bungee Jumping, Sky Diving, Scuba Diving, or Motocross.

Life Insurance: Age and Other Factors

10/26/2011 20:27

Here is one truth about life insurance: most people do not think about getting one until they have a family. And even then, they wait until their family is somewhat financially stable and have income to spare. The problem is, for most families that are starting up, the expenses are often too large, and it takes a considerable amount of time for them to actually afford to purchase an insurance policy.
This is why most financial experts recommend getting life insurance when one is still single. When a person is single and young and making money, the probability that s/he will afford to pay for the life insurance policy is greater. This is because younger people are afforded better rates by life insurance companies. Thus, cheap life insurance can be possible for younger people.
Life insurance plays on the time value of money. The longer you invest in a life insurance policy, the greater the possibility that the life insurance company can make your investment grow. Thus, they offer lower payment rates to people who are expected to live longer as their investment’s life will also be longer as compared to somebody who is expected to die after five or ten years from their initial investment.
However, age is not the only factor that determines whether an insurance company finds you as a good source of investment. Some other factors include your lifestyle, health, and occupation. For example, if you enjoy extreme sports, your risk factor is higher than that of a person who does not indulge in these types of sports. Extreme sports expose a person to accidents and dangerous situations which leads to a shorter life expectancy. The same is true for people with poor health and people whose jobs put them at risk.
According to financial experts, if you want to get cheap life insurance while still affording a considerable amount for your beneficiaries, you must stop bad habits, risky hobbies, and check your health.

Questions to Ask About Your Financial Adviser

10/26/2011 16:50

A financial adviser Geelong is a professional who helps people reach their financial goals through different strategies and tools. The only goal for a financial adviser is to help a client get what he wants in terms of their financial status. Some of the most common goals for people who need financial advisers are to maximize profit, know where to invest their assets in, decrease their debts or liabilities, or to become financially stable.
 Unfortunately, not all financial planners act the same way or suggest the same things. This means that although different strategies may be employed to reach a goal, some strategies are still more effective than others. The key here is to decide which financial adviser to hire. So how do you do that? How do you get the best financial adviser for you? Ironically, it begins by asking the right questions.
Asking the right questions leads to getting the right answers. Answers that could help lead you to the best decision. Experts suggest that the following are some of the most important questions you could ask:
What is the background of the financial adviser you are eyeing?
Before you pin down a financial adviser, you must first gather information about his past. Know where he learned how to become a financial adviser, which regulatory bodies have accredited him, and if he is actually certified to provide financial advice as a profession.
Instead of thinking of yourself as a client, put yourself in the position of an employer who wants to hire the best person for the job. Ask about his past, how he deals with clients, how he usually operates and how well he has done in the past.
What do his clients say about him?
Aside from what he says about him, it is also important that you learn what clients say about this particular financial adviser Geelong. You must ask his past clients about what they say about his services. Did he actually help them reach their financial goals? Did he deliver exactly what he promised? Asking these questions will lead to you getting the proper information you need.

How to Choose a Financial Adviser

10/26/2011 16:36

A lot of people assume that they handle their finances well. In fact, most people think that they handle their finances good enough to not need outside. That is until they find themselves with a lot of debt and not enough assets to pay these debts off. After this, they realize that they have not been wise with their decisions about their finances and then decide after many financial failures that they need help from other people. But the question is: where do they get this help?
The answer is: from a financial adviser, of course. A financial adviser or a financial planner Geelong is a person who can help you to reach your financial goals through different strategies and different financial tools. Ultimately, their goal is to give their clients the effect they want; whether it is to increase assets, to be financially stable, to place investments in proper financial entities, or to reduce debt. However, not all financial planners are as credible or as effective as others. Thus, it is also important that you choose the right financial planner to provide you with the aid you need. But how do you choose the right financial planner?
Experts suggest that the first thing you must do when choosing a financial planner Geelong is to check his background. Learn where he learned financial planning. Is it a respectable institution? Is it an educational institution that is known for providing good finance courses or business courses?
Aside from this, you must also find out if he is a certified financial planner. Some people give financial advice simply because they have studied it in University. This does not mean that they have the proper accreditation to do this as a living.
Aside from accreditation and education, you must also discover a lot about how they actually perform. What do their past or current clients say about them? Did he deliver as promised? Did he manage to help his clients reach their goals? Did he manage to improve the financial state of the client?

Financial Advisers: Choose Wisely

10/26/2011 16:13

Here is one truth: a lot of people do not feel comfortable asking for help from others. It is doubly embarrassing to ask help about money. Why? Because most people think that handling finances is basic; something they should have already mastered by now.
Here is another truth: financial planning is a skill that is learned. Some learn this in school, some learn it through experience, and most learn it both ways. People who have learned so much about financial planning and know enough to actually teach others about it are called financial planners. These professionals take financial planning Geelong to a whole different level. They make the act of realizing a person’s financial goals their bread and butter.
But why do you need a financial planner? Simple; because financial planning Geelong is a system and it is a system that not everybody understands. It involves different strategies, analyzing ratios and rates, and using different tools to know when to invest what in, and when to pay up or sell. When one realizes that he does not know enough of the financial planning system to manage his own finances, liabilities, assets, and all, he needs a financial planner or adviser.
But of course, you cannot hire just about any financial adviser or planner; you must hire the best planner that is available to you and one who will work for you instead of just getting a profit from you. To find the best you must check some things out. Here is a short list of things that you must check when looking for a financial adviser:
1.) You must learn about his experience and his credentials simply because it tells you how effective and credible he is. You must learn how long he has been in the business, where he learned financial planning, and why he is confident that he can help you reach your financial goals.
2.) Know how much access to experts he has. Although the financial adviser you are eyeing seems to be really good at what he does, remember that nobody knows everything about a topic. The same is true for financial planners. It is always good for your financial planner to know a lot of people who know more about certain areas of financial planning so that he may give you the best advice.
3.) Finally, learn how he claims his fees and commissions and decide whether you are okay with the payment scheme he requires.

Decreasing Your Risk Factor

10/24/2011 15:17

If you are a first time life insurance policy purchaser, it would be quite understandable if you are not too keen on diving at just about a purchase. In fact, it is recommended by experts for first time purchasers to really take time out for life insurance comparison studies or some of the other ways to gather as much information as you can about the life insurance policy you are considering purchasing.
Also, experts suggest that you do not only stop at life insurance comparison studies but to actually look for ways to improve the chances of you to get really good insurance coverage.
One way to achieve that is by reducing your risk factor. Your risk factor is dictated by your health, lifestyle, and your life expectancy. If you want to improve your coverage, you must first try to make a conscious effort to become healthier. Thus, bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking must go out of the window. You must also check your cholesterol, blood pressure, body fat, and sugar levels and make sure that all these are within a normal range.
To improve your risk factor, you must also check your hobbies and lifestyle. Are you currently healthy but are expected to run into a lot of different medical problems in a couple of years? Then maybe you may start changing your whole routine. Do you indulge in extreme sports that put you at risk of accidents? Insurance companies usually do not grant insurance to people who are extreme sports enthusiasts. And even if they do, the coverage will be considerably smaller. Thus, if you want to truly get more coverage for a smaller amount (that you pay for), you must consider all the things that affect your life expectancy and change it as soon as you can.

Money Saving Tips for Life Insurance in Australia

10/19/2011 22:25

Here is the truth: life insurance in Australia is something that not a lot of people enjoy talking about. Unless of course you are a life insurance agent, and the mention of the word means a hefty commission. Otherwise, thoughts and conversations about life insurance will make you think about death; something nobody really enjoys dwelling on. To make matters worse, it reminds everybody about expenses and monetary problems.
This is exactly why we decided to make a feature on this: ways to save money when buying life insurance. This article will help you decide on the best ways to maximize your dollar when purchasing life insurance. These simple tips will show you the value of value versus affordability and life-long investments versus short-term ones. Here are our tips:
Know how much you need. You can use a life insurance calculator in Australia to figure out how much you would need to help your beneficiaries get through life without the monetary support you bring them. These calculators may be found online and are offered for free. These help you determine the amount of coverage you would need, among other things.

Check your health. If you think you have some unhealthy habits, stop doing them. Quit smoking, try to lose weight, keep your cholesterol and blood pressure levels in check, and make sure that you are healthy and disease-free. Being healthy will improve your risk factor and will save you money.
Forget about riders. The thing is, when you check out any tool that tells you how much you are covered for like a life insurance calculator, it does not include the price you pay for riders and all these add-on insurance products that your insurance agent will definitely try to sell you. In the end, they are usually useless, so skip these riders instead and invest more on the main policy.

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10/19/2011 15:00

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